001 Ban Me Thuot, ARVN V-100 on QL-21.jpg
002 Ban Me Thuot, French Rubber Plantation on QL21.jpg
003 Khanh Duong, 3rd Plt bunker construction.jpg
004 Khanh Duong, Beach laundry and family.jpg
005 Khanh Duong, foreground Lt Harrison (l), Lt Murray.jpg
006 Khanh Duong, Montagnard boys.jpg
007 Khanh Duong, QL-21, Psgt Witt with Carbine, I think.jpg
008 Khanh Duong, Sgt Goss, 3rd plt., 1st sqd..jpg
009 Khanh Duong, Sunday swim.jpg
010 Khanh Duong,A Co compound and Montagnard villages.jpg
011 Vietnam, 1968, LtSitton & SgtWitt.jpg
012 Vietnam,1968, Montagnard on Elephant.jpg